Covid-19 - 2020

So I took 2019 off.  My Dad got sick in late 2018, he passed away in Feb 2019.   Lots of paperwork to fill out, lots of phone calls to make.  Lots of feeling rather rubbish.  My Mum passed away in 2006 so although I was slightly more seasoned at all this, it was still an absolute professional disaster - and that's ok.  I took some time to update my equipment, do stuff for fun, go to Edinburgh Fringe, prepare for a productive 2020.  


2020 began with a bang.  Lots of them. There was a castle too. I was back in Edinburgh for New Years eve, staying with some friends, discussing plans for the next year.  

I had plans to partner with a business or individual who I admired in the wedding industry - ideally those supplying wedding dresses - offering free shoots during fittings if the right client was inclined.  A great way to introduce myself, meet new people and build up a Bristol client base.  

I was asked by a UK high street (and delicious) restaurant chain to cover their annual conference, all very exciting. 

March came around, all my future work was cancelled.  2020 was really getting into full swing.  I bunkered down with my housemate James, a Doctor working at Bristol Royal Infirmary, we bought adequate but not excessive supplies.

April 2020 was hard.  Too much watching the news.  Not enough reading.  Creativity left unused is horrible, being a sociable human made it a bit worse.  

May came around - I was out and about more and I volunteered to be part of the Oxford Astrazeneca vaccine trial.   Found out earlier this year that I've been "fully vaccinated" since September 2020.  No issues so far, aside from wanting to be busy again, covering events and weddings.  

Formed a bike crew, didn't bake sourdough but happily received a loaf if anyone had spare.

Tried some exciting new things that I'm very proud of - although it's not for everyone, which is why it's hidden here!

Anyway - that's about as much as I have to say that is interesting.  Thanks for....erm...reading this?  

Just (once again) give me a call if you need me.  
